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和孩子总是有感情的 雅思写作一直是烤鸭们头疼的一科。其实大家在雅思写作中,注意句型的多样化,能为作文加分不少。下面,环球雅思为大家整理出一些雅思写作中的多样化句式。 雅思写作句子开头的变化的技巧: A Begin sentence with an appositive The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the campers about safety in the woods. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods. the countrys biggest cellular operator, China Mobile is looking at tighter controls on Internet-related service providers, industry insiders say. B Begin a sentence with an adverb The fog was slowly settling down. Slowly the fog was settling down. Obviously enough, he himself can not handle the trouble by himself. C Begin a sentence with an adjective or adjective phrase Mr Boyd was very angry and began to defend his reputation with strong arguments. Angry, Mr Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong argument. Tired and frustrated, the teacher went home to have a rest. D Begin sentences with participle phrases I jogged very day and increased my energy level. Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level. Tim was troubled by a dream and he woke up with a start. Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start. Witnessed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the 10-mem ber ASEAN, Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai signed the agreement with 10 economic ministers of the ASEAN countries. E Begin sentences with an infinitive phrase You must attend every class to succeed in a course. To succeed in a course, you must attend every class. F Begin sentences with a prepositional phrase Madame Curie was an industrious worker in the scientific laboratory. In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker. Under a new scheme, established SPs can become pure content providers and China Mobile may seek a bigger portion of the shared revenues. In the short term, operators will not abandon SPs. For China Mobile, a dramatic change in its partnership scheme may be harmful. G Begin sentences with clause modifiers He did not want to rewrite the paper because he was tired and hungry and discouraged. Because he was tired and hungry and discouraged, he did not want to rewrite the paper. You may regret in leisure what you impulsively do in haste. What you impulsively do in haste you may regret in leisure.
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